Gift Quilt Story Labels
The Label that Delivers a Special Message to the Recipient
Available Gift Quilt Label Designs

These interactive beautiful, personalized quilt labels provide a canvas for you to convey your heartfelt sentiments and motivations behind this thoughtful gift. Whether through words, images, or the quilter's voice, they allow you to express your feelings, and create a meaningful moment and connection.
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To my son-in-law at Christmas, a special note to say,
You're much a part of our family in every single way.
The joy you bring to my daughter, reflects in all you do,
May this festive season sparkle and shine its light on you.

The glow of Christmas lights surrounds us,
Last minute schedules create such a fuss.
But not for us, our schedule is clear,
We just enjoy each other as each day comes near.
Carrie Jacquelyn

As sisters, we share a wonderful bond,
That will stay with us for now and years beyond.
The smiles, the laughter that we have known,
Makes the friendship we share our very own.

Christmas is the absolute perfect time,
To celebrate my brother, my partner in crime.
You’ve always been there with advice and good cheer,
Same place, same time, more memories to make next year.

Thirty years ago, we meet by chance in a local pub,
Silly and crazy us assumed we were in a country club.
Glasses would have helped our visual acuity,
And would have solved our confusing ambiguity.

Each patch in this quilt, a story of life is told,
Of love and memories, all as precious as gold.
A quilt from a mother sewn with love and care,
To her daughter, so she will know her mom is always there
Madison Ivy

My dearest granddaughter, as Christmas draws near,
I reminisce of past holidays with you, oh so dear.
Now you're in college, time has flown,
But those cherished moments are our own.
Willow Grace

This Christmas let’s cherish the moments we’ve made,
With laughter and love, let our memories cascade.
For in every special ornament hung on the tree,
Lives a story of the two of us, and all we can be.
Janice Edine

It’s a girl with eyes of powder blue,
To see the wonder in everything new.
May her life be filled with laughter and song,
So, she will always know where she belongs.
James Logan

Oh, what a joy, it’s a boy! He’s the newest little one,
Tiny fingers, wrinkly toes, his life has just begun.
A bundle of joy and miracle right from the start,
It’s now wonder I love him with all my heart.
Samuel James

In a crib lies a wonder, so tiny and new,
A bundle of joy from grandmother’s view.
From ten little fingers to ten tiny toes,
Each part is perfect, as everyone knows.
Evelyn Ann

Giggles will be cherished as the tiny tot grows,
Untamed curls adorned with ribbons and bows.
Life will produce tears, but the laughter will flow,
But hopefully Grammy’s quilt will help get her through.
Jack Thomas

It’s a boy, the new mom-to-be said with pride,
She couldn’t wait to shout the happy news worldwide.
Visions of attributes and memories to come,
Of the amazing boy and man, he will someday become.

From the day you were born I knew I was blessed,
You were always head and shoulders above the rest.
But what I love the most about my dear son,
Is that his growing and loving will never be done.
Steven Scott

A little prince was born with ten fingers and ten toes,
The journey began with giggly highs and howling lows.
Life progressed from toddler to teen and paved the way,
To showcase the prince of a man he is today.
Thomas Augustus

My children say my get up and go got up and went,
And worst of all that my youth is all spent.
But I may have the last laugh as I’m able to grin,
From the memories of the places my get up has been.

When you were a baby, I would hold you in my arms,
And you captured me with all your special charms.
The question I wonder every night and day,
Is how was I so lucky to be called your mom today?

We’re not kids anymore and I’m sure you’ll agree too,
That my face is wrinkled and bald is the new you.
And even though we can’t remember when or whatever,
We will always be steadfast and loyal buddies forever.
Katherine Kealey

I want you, my daughter, to know your own strength,
And to love without limits and do what you think.
You’ve learned to be brave and stand on your own,
And with your family behind you, you will never be alone.
Anna Elizabeth

A screaming tiny pink bundle you were from day one,
But through your teen years as your life begun.
You blossomed and became the most beautiful soul,
And for a loving grandmother that is the ultimate goal.
Jacquelyn Ann

In the garden of life, true friends are the flowers,
Blooming in all the laughter and the showers.
A bond unbreakable, a trust so deep,
In memories to sow, and forever to keep.
Stormi Sky

From cute eyes, chubby little nose and curly-burly toes
To a budding novelist that someday everyone knows.
A shining star you have become to all who know you,
Your heart and love of life will keep all dreams in view.

Throughout your life you’ve been my delight,
A dance of joy from morning til night.
May life grant you dreams as vast as the sea,
With love, your grandmother, eternally.

In the garden of life, true sisters are the flowers,
Blooming in all the laughter and the showers.
A bond unbreakable, a trust so deep,
In memories to sow, and forever to keep.

Snappy, cute and ready to toot!!
My family is ready to celebrate and hoot!
Decorations are hung and the cake ready to eat,
Unwrapping presents makes the day complete.

In a garden full of blooms oh so bright,
A little girl’s joy takes a wonderous flight.
With balloons and cakes, laughter and cheer,
And special friends, her birthday is finally here.

As I watch you grow from year to year,
I believe you’ve made it abundantly clear.
That your creativity is your greatest trait,
Assuring you “paint a life “only you can create.

Granddaughter you are my sunshine, my ray of light,
With stunning twinkly eyes and a smile ever so bright.
With an adventurous spirit that will brighten anyone’s day,
That touches my heart and lifts my life in a million ways.
Elaine Kay

My little sister is packed full of energy and joy,
Rough and tumble, she sometimes acts like a boy.
But when life throws me a curve I would like to dismiss,
My little sister is there with the sweetest hug and kiss.
Nana & Papa

In the garden of my life, you are the brightest flowers,
Blossoming with love, in sunshine and showers.
Your wisdom guides me, like a lighthouse at sea,
Nana and Papa, you mean the world to me.
Charlotte Marie

Stitched with love and threads of care,
A quilt from “grandma”, crafted so rare.
To you, dear child, not born but selected,
You were the “granddaughter” I never expected.
Grandma & grandpa

To my dearest grandparents, so wise and oh so dear,
In your cozy home, with memories so bright and clear.
Through every giggle, every hug, and every tear,
You've been my rock, and steady voice always near.
Ava Susanne

This quilt, my dear, is more than thread,
It’s memories of stories we’ve both shared.
May it wrap you in my endless care,
In every fold, my love is there.
Stacey Olivia

From your granddaughter, with love so fine,
This quilt's a sonnet, with your warmth entwined.
A hug in each square, a kiss in each seam,
A tapestry of memories, a beautiful and tangible dream.
Dana Elizabeth

In hours of joy and minutes of strife,
We count the moments the beats of our life.
A tick, a tock, a laugh, a tear,
And a friendship quilt to one I hold so dear.
Sara Loralie

In nostalgia's grasp, we often bask,
Forgetting that time's a one-way mask.
Yet, in our hearts, the past does last,
A cherished friendship held tight and fast.

A wise song says You Can’t Make Old Friends.
And I know some say it is hard to comprehend,
How to maintain a friendship from way back when.
But I have to say “friending you” I would do all over again.
Linda Marie

Twenty years ago, we saw each other almost every day,
But over the years, time and distance kept us away.
Through it all there was seasons of joy, and times of test,
But best friends like us endure, outshining the rest.

Through seasons and years, you’ve been by my side,
A friend through the laughter, the tears and the tide.
Together we’ve grown and separately too,
But always, my friend, I’ve found joy in you.
Stormi & Nick

The years have flown by ever so fast,
From a little girl, well that never lasts.
To a grown woman who now takes a step,
To forever love her best friend and soul mate.
Michael and Dana

Stitched with threads of tender care,
A quilt for two, a love to share.
Woven dreams of silk and lace,
In every thread, a warm embrace.
Tommy and Sara

Two hearts in tandem, a friendship so rare,
Blossomed in laughter, and seasons of care.
From playground to altar, their journey did lead,
Best friends to partners, in word and in deed.
Nancy and Tom

At a college student union one unexpected day,
A stranger sat in my lunch seat and refused to move away.
A dance of wills and wits ruled each and every day,
It was a draw as sixty years later the two are here to stay.

On this day of pride and triumph,
A journey's end, a dream's commencement,
Caps fly high with youthful zest,
Marking a quest that was no mere test.
Penny Sioux

The graduate steps into the sunlit path of her dreams,
Into an unchartered world with uncertain themes.
But with wisdom gained and friendships cherished,
She will move forward, fears all perished.
Katherine Kacey

As a child, your life was filled with wonder and delight,
And as you passed your teens, you did things right.
All grown up now after continuous education,
You’ve earned this stitched quilt for your graduation.
Jordan Scott

We’ve known each other since we were small,
And over time best friends we became as I recall.
Somewhere over time best friends became two,
Guess the plan all along was me and you.

Izzy is the perfect pet as I like to say,
She lays in my lap no matter the time of day.
She is the perfect excuse to not move from my chair,
After all, how can I move when Izzy’s sleeping there?

Missy our sweet striped cat who lives in our house,
She is feisty and lovable but totally scared of a mouse.
And while she won’t rid our house of annoying pests,
She will cuddle and snuggle to honor any human request.

In the town of Sunnydale, on All Hallows' Eve,
Buffy patrols the night, so the townsfolk can breathe.
With stakes sharp and ready, and her wit just as keen,
She faces down demons, on this night so serene.

In the chill of Halloween's eerie night,
Victor Frankenstein toiled by flickering light.
With bolts and with stitches, a creature he made,
A patchwork of shadows, in the moon's silver glade.

In the heart of the night where the cold winds howl,
Lies a lonely old house where the dark things prowl.
With shutters that bang and doors that creak,
It's the home of the spirits that dare not speak.

Witches dance through the night with delight,
Around and around the cauldron's fiery light.
Concocting lethal potions with all their might,
Until totally exhausted at dawn's first eerie light.
Mark & Stacey

As years cascade like a gentle stream,
Our love endures, a constant beam.
Through trials and triumphs, laughter and tears,
Our bond grows stronger with each passing year.
Ryan & Dayle

Half a century together, a tapestry of life,
Woven with threads of love, joy, and sometimes strife.
Golden moments shine, marking fifty years,
A journey of shared dreams, laughter, and tears.
To My Dad

Beneath the umbrella's shade, on the sandy shore,
We sat, father and daughter, with hearts that soared.
Gone you may be, but in my heart you'll stay,
In every seashell's echo, every sunbeam's play.